The serpentine belt is commonly referred to as the drive belt and it's a vehicle component that connects to the engine via pulleys, tensioners, and idler and powers the alternator, air conditioning, and power steering. In some vehicles, this part also powers the water pump system.
And if the drive belt is torn or worn out, it can cause a lot of problems in your vehicle. In this regard, we'll take an in-depth dive and explore some indicators that signify a failing serpentine belt.
Unusual Noises from the Front of the Vehicle
Strange noises emanating from the front of your vehicle are not a good sign. Mostly, this issue may be a result of faulty or broken serpentine belts. A problem with misalignment or slippage of drive belts may also lead to these noises. If you notice these noises, it's advisable to contact a professional auto shop.
Non-Functional AC and Power Steering
If the serpentine belt is broken, then the engine itself will have issues. The situation may lead to a complete or partial breakdown of your engine You may also realize that the AC and power steering are not working. As a result, the engine may not be cooled as it should and this scenario can lead to more detrimental problems. Also, you may realize your car as difficulties during steering.
Overheating of the Engine
As we've mentioned earlier, the serpentine belt powers the air conditioning unit which is a crucial component in cooling the of the engine. A problem with the serpentine belt affects the cooling system directly leading to overheating of the engine. A problem with overheating in the engine can lead to more detrimental problems that may lead to costly breakdown repairs.
Therefore, if you notice some of the signs above, it's imperative to visit a professional mechanic to have your serpentine belt checked. If you require the aforementioned services, welcome to our auto repair shop today and experience the difference.